Talks and presentations

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Mirror Mode Waves in Saturn’s Magnetosheath

April 26, 2023

Talk, Austria Center Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Abstract: Mirror modes are large amplitude, non-propagating compressive structures often observed in the magnetosheath. They appear in the form of quasi-sinusoidal oscillations in the magnetic field, with clear magnetic dropouts (‘dips’) or enhancements (‘peaks’). Mirror modes are usually accompanied by a corresponding, anticorrelated signature in plasma density. Typically, the growth of mirror mode fluctuations is triggered when magnetized plasma traverses the bow shock (BS) or draping of the magnetic field around the magnetopause (MP), producing anisotropic ion distribution functions in a high plasma β environment.

Calculating Plasma Moments from Spacecraft Data: Cassini

January 25, 2023

Talk, Queen Mary University of London Graduate Centre, London, UK

Abstract: A tutorial style presentation on calculating plasma moments from spacecraft data for the London Space Plasma Meeting at Queen Mary University of London.